Feeling undervalued as a writer trying to make a buck? So is the Craigslist Curmudgeon. This site basically exists to make fun of all the ridiculous ads people post for writers on Craigslist. Funnier than you'd think: http://craigslistcurmudgeon.blogspot.com/ Many of you know that the real reason I relocated to Ann Arbor was because they were opening an Ikea in Canton, a mere 20 miles away. I just love Ikea. Nothing like mass-produced, cheapo yet slick-lookin' goods you can tote home flat in your car. LOVE it! Anyhoo, I recently stumbled upon a cool site called Ikea Hacker where people share their ideas for using Ikea products as a starting point then "hacking" them to make them their own. Some cool ideas, most of which I would never actually get around to doing, but I applaud other peoples' creativity even as I indulge my own laziness: http://ikeahacker.blogspot.com/
If you live in Ann Arbor or you just like reading, writing, cooking and/or knitting, then you should check out a local blog called Four Obsessions. It's one of those rare finds - an interesting and well-written personal blog (unlike this one, you might say) that touches on a lot of my passions. Great combo of knitting tales, book reviews and even recipes for dishes so lovely it almost makes me think about cooking. Almost: http://4obsessions.blogspot.com/index.html